The shares of the public limited company Profab Houses are split as follows:
Rebruk AS (40%)
OÜ Arbor (25%)
IK Construction OÜ (25%)
Quicksand OÜ (10%)
The public limited company Rebruk is owned by the Norwegian company Roar Paulsrud A/S. One of the businesses owned by Roar Paulsrud A/S – A/S Fjell Bruk – has been producing and erecting factory-built wooden frame structures in Norway since the 1960s. OÜ Rebruk GH, which belongs to AS Rebruk Group, has been producing garages and trusses in Estonia since 1993.
Oliver Orula, Member of the Management Board of OÜ Arbor, has eight years of experience in the field of constructive design.
Ivo Kaasik, Member of the Management Board of IK Construction OÜ, has long experience with managing house production factories. Ivo Kaasik took a leading role in the creation of Estonia’s first house production factory Matek SP and was its Chief Executive and Member of the Management Board for seventeen years.
Peeter Lodi, Member of the Management Board of Quicksand OÜ, is Rebruk Group’s Chief Executive and has been active in the wood industry since the 1990s.
The Management Board of AS Profab Houses includes Oliver Orula, Stina Eigi and Peeter Lodi.